Michelle's Photos

intermittent camera abuse

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Lights Gone By

More abstract lights. How fast do you have to go to show a blue or red shift?

Lights again

Some of the photos of lights are unrecognizable, but still interesting.
Almost like abstract paintings.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Black Eyes

Another photo of a cat, but this one's a little darker.
Again trying to stay away from the "awww" factor.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


I go to work at about 6:00 am. I took a bunch of photos in the car on the way. The lights make really interesting patterns and shapes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Odd Light

I went out in my back yard to take some photos, and the results had an odd cast of light to them. This one doesn't have a specific subject near the middle, but it looked better than the one that did.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Too close

What do you think of this one?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Too Many Cats

I've got too many. I tried to take some photos that weren't cutesy though. I think this one's not too cute, focusing on his paws rather than his face.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Your Guess

Your guess is as good as mine. I got some weird rainbow effects on a bunch of photos, including this one whose original subject got obscured.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Students in my classroom

Another blurry one. This time of students in the classroom.

I really like the contrast and shadows in this one.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Low-Res Camera

I'm taking a Photoshop class at the community college. My first assignment is to take photos with a cellphone camera, explore the social interaction inherent in a cellphone camera and put the photos together in a novel way.

Except I don't have a cellphone camera. I did go to the store and buy a little $20 digital camera that takes images 352 x 288. It's pretty crappy, but works extremely well for my purposes. It's small, about 2" x 3", has no screen display and only holds 40 photos with no memory card. It's also pink with flowers on it. And it erases all of your previous photos if you go even one photo past capacity. Sucked when I found that one out.

I'm taking more photos than I have it a long time and thought I'd post some here.

Many are really blurry, and look like gestural drawings.
Here's the first:

What is it?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hobbes in the Snow

Taken February 1, 2007.
Hobbes looks at the snow.


Taken January 31, 2007.
Water bottle on my desk at school.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Taken December 14, 2006. From the same tree. Such an amazing red color.

Unknown Tree

Taken December 14, 2006. A tree in my parents yard. My dad and I were trying to figure out what variety. It resembles a Bradford Pear, but I'm not sure. All of the leaves turned red, it seemed on the same day. Then later, all of the leaves fell off on the same day.

My Nephew, Who Shall Remain Anonymous

Taken December 9, 2006. He told me he was ready for the close-up, darnit.

Flowers in the Yard

These are in the margin of my yard, behind the fence. Taken November 12, 2006. So, not so much a photo a day as a bunch in October and two in November.

Using the Macro

This shot turned out rather well. Taken October 25, 2006.

Focus, Schmocus

Taken October 23, 2006.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Taken October 18, 2006. I love the macro function on my camera. This isn't the best shot, but it's the best from that day.

Cat and Orange Something

Both taken October 17, 2006. I couldn't decide which I liked better. Which one do you like better? Can you tell the subject of the one above? A hint: It's upside-down.


Taken October 16, 2006.
This murder of crows lives in my neighborhood. I think that there's six of them, but it changes and they don't seem to go far. I see them at least once a week. Sometimes they knock on my roof. I could only get four of them in a shot at a time, and those were blurry.

My Ceiling Fan

Taken October 15, 2006.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Photo a Day

I'm trying to learn more about my camera. I've got a nice Minolta Dimage, and I've really only used it for your standard touristy shots.

I did a little experimentation, and this is my first in my Project 365 inspired by Photojojo.

It's a photo of my cats. I took at least 20. This was one of the better ones.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I'm fascinated with ancient cultures, particularly Egyptian. Maybe it's more about the gods and myths and odd combined creatures. When I got to go to Britain and see the extensive collections of artifacts* at the British Museum from Egypt and Greece and others, I had a great time. I just wished that I could touch everything, but they kinda frown on that.

I thought that the British Museum had the coolest collection, but it wasn't until I got to the Louvre in Paris that I saw how good the French were at liberating great art. The corridors of the Louvre are like the Wal-Mart of ancient statuary and objects. Rows upon rows of sarcophaguses, (sarcophagi, coffins, whatever), Greek kouri, kraters, amphorae, and lammasu.

Lammasu are Mesopotamian creatures, much like the sphinx of Egypt. They have a man's head, lion's body and eagle's wings. And the ones at the Louvre tower over everything. I wish I had a person in a photo for scale, but just trust me when I say it's enormous. I took this photo on June 19th on our last day in Paris.

*either liberated, saved or stolen, depending on your point of view.

Monday, September 04, 2006

My Brat Cat

My cat loves to climb into small spaces. Place a box on the floor and he hops into it every time. Makes it easy to go to the vet, but hard to pack or unpack things. He also loves plastic bags. He climbed into a bag that had other bags in it Saturday. Then a noise scared him, so he ran, but the bag was hooked on him and he took it with him, making loud noises all the way and scaring him even more.

Today when I put a roll of drawing paper on the table, he had to crawl in. I got photos of this one, but only one turned out well.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

On the Eiffel Tower

This is me and my sister Melanie on the Eiffel Tower in June. We had a great time in France.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Profile Photo

I'm using a cropped version of the above photo for my profile.
It's one of the ones from France that I like.